Fantasy Top Dominates NFT Sales with $1.8 Million in a Single Day

Fantasy Top Dominates NFT Sales with $1.8 Million in a Single Day

Fantasy Top led the Nft sales market on Sunday, achieving $1.8 million in daily sales. Ethereum maintained its dominance with a total sales volume of $4.87 million.

  • Fantasy Top collection topped Nft sales with $1.8 million on Sunday.
  • Ethereum remained the leading blockchain in sales volume, hitting $4.87 million.

On Sunday, the Fantasy Top collection became the leader in the Nft sales market, achieving an impressive $1.8 million in daily sales.

This performance highlights the growing interest and investment in Nfts. Here’s a closer look at the latest numbers and the collections making waves in the market.

Fantasy Top’s Impressive Sales

Fantasy Top led the way with $1.8 million in sales on Sunday, according to CryptoSlam. This collection had 8,610 transactions involving 2,155 unique buyers and 3,430 sellers.

The latest sales figures have propelled Fantasy Top’s all-time sales volume to $46.13 million.

Fantasy Top trades on Blast, an Ethereum layer-2 chain created by the same team behind the Blur Nft marketplace.

On Sunday, Blast ranked fourth in CryptoSlam’s daily blockchain rankings, with Fantasy Top making up the majority of the network’s sales.

Fantasy Top Dominates NFT Sales

Ethereum’s Ongoing Success

As usual, Ethereum continued to be the leading blockchain for Nft sales, with a total sales volume of $4.87 million on Sunday.

This was a slight increase from the $4.37 million recorded the previous day, showing steady growth. Ethereum remains at the top of the Nft market with these strong sales figures.

Other Notable Collections:

Guild of Guardians Avatars: This collection ranked second and is part of the Immutable blockchain. It recorded $753,306 in sales, very close to the previous day’s $754,727. The total daily sales for the Immutable blockchain were $876,524, demonstrating consistent performance.

DMarket: Positioned third, DMarket saw its sales drop slightly from $759,148 to $742,298. Operating on the Mythos Chain, DMarket’s total daily sales volume was $765,072.

Also, some big players saw significant changes in their sales figures:

Azuki: This collection ranked fourth and experienced a huge increase in sales, jumping from $95,292 to $432,296.

Bored Ape Yacht Club: Ranking fifth, this collection also saw an increase in sales, from $230,925 to $305,883.

Both Azuki and Bored Ape Yacht Club are part of the Ethereum blockchain, further solidifying Ethereum’s strong position in the Nft market.

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Ξ Furko Ξ

Founder of @NftGiant, Furko is a digital marketing professional and loves creating detailed content about Nfts, Metaverse and Blockchain. • Entreprenour • Designer • Collector

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